What are the 7 worst foods to eat if you have arthritis?

Affected by sore, grinding joints? Are you concerned that your hands will become painful and gnarled? More than 50 million American adults suffer from arthritis, and 300,000 children are affected by one of the 100 different types.

A surgical “fix” may also be recommended by doctors occasionally.

Did you know that certain foods can significantly worsen arthritis? Simply by eating the foods you do, you might be aggravating your joints.

Inflammation is the cause of pain, and many foods do so. You’ll be shocked to discover which foods may be aggravating your joints. You’ll be blown away by number 3.

Saturated Fat

Cheese, butter, and red meat are all sources of saturated fats. In adipose tissue, saturated fats cause inflammation. This kind of inflammation is known to exacerbate arthritis pain and is particularly harmful to your heart.

The presence of advanced glycation end products in red meat is a different problem (AGEs). AGEs cause inflammation to occur. AGEs develop when food is cooked at high temperatures, such as when it is grilled, fried, toast, roasted, or broiled. Diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and Alzheimer’s disease are inflammatory diseases that are linked to high levels.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids

You might be familiar with Omega-3 fatty acids. They are crucial for reducing inflammation. Omega-6 fatty acids have the ability to cause your body to produce inflammatory chemicals. Vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, sunflower, and soy, as well as products made with these oils, contain Omega-6 fatty acids. Canola, flaxseed, walnut, and olive oils should be used in place of oils high in omega-6.

Remember that trans fats and commercial frying oils contain these omega-6 fatty acids. Remove these for added security.


When it comes to inflammation, alcohol’s history is interesting. According to a few studies, consuming 5 to 10 grams of alcohol per day may help prevent the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. That is equivalent to about half a beer per day.

Alcohol negatively interacts with the majority of anti-inflammatory drugs if you already have arthritis. The consumption of alcohol can make some types of arthritis worse. Keeping alcohol consumption under control may be crucial for managing arthritis pain.

Processed Foods

Many of the ingredients in processed foods are inflammatory. Trans fats and partially hydrogenated oils are among the worst. It is known that partially hydrogenated oils contribute to a wide range of illnesses, including cancer and systemic inflammation.

Carefully read the labels because even a small amount can be harmful. You can find trans-fats in breads, baked goods, snacks like potato chips or microwave popcorn, fried food, refrigerator dough, nondairy creamer, and margarine because they are used to make food shelf stable.


Although your body needs salt to function, too much salt raises blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks, kidney disease, and strokes. Osteoporosis is a result of calcium loss brought on by a diet high in salt. Joint pain is a result of cellular inflammation brought on by salt.

Stop eating processed food and fried food, both of which contain a lot of salt. Stop salting your food more than necessary. Although it will take some getting used to, your entire body will be healthier!


When you consume sugar, your body releases cytokines, which lead to inflammation. Due to the cytokines, sugar is connected to many diseases. Additionally, sugar may aggravate arthritis pain. There are at least 56 different names for sugar. When reading sugar labels, search for the words syrup, malt, and words ending in -ose (maltose). These cover a lot of them, though not all of them.

When using artificial sweeteners, exercise caution. They are linked to a number of illnesses, cancers, and inflammation.

Rough Grains

White flour and white rice are examples of refined grains. These cause a spike in blood sugar while raising inflammatory marker levels. Additionally, if you are sensitive to gluten, wheat products may make your joints hurt. You might be gluten sensitive if eating wheat causes rashes, migraines, fatigue, or joint pain.

Your body responds to refined grains similarly to how it does sugar because they are simple to digest. Steer clear of anything made with white flour. Removing and switching out refined grains is crucial because eating whole grains reduces inflammation.


The result is that your arthritis is getting worse no matter what you do. You are only doing yourself harm by taking more medication to treat pain because the drugs your doctor prescribes can be very harmful to the liver. Eliminating foods from your diet that increase inflammation can lessen arthritis pain.

It’s a matter of substituting healthy foods for the bad ones. There are delectable options available that reduce inflammation. As you get rid of inflammation in your body, you’ll feel better and have less pain. Since arthritis is a degenerative condition, you probably won’t be able to stop it, but you can slow it down by cutting out bad foods.